Water care of a swimming pool, whether particular or not, is fundamental, as well as keeping it in perfect conditions. Although it is true that we can often take care of ourselves, the truth is that it is important to leave in the hands of experts the handling of chemical products that are necessary for this process, thus avoiding risks.
Our experts ensure disinfected and clean water, guaranteeing its optimal quality and the safety of swimmers. They also conduct regular checks to ensure that the water and facilities are in perfect condition at all times. The lifespan of pool water is closely related to the time of year, so the treatment will vary in terms of control frequency and chemical products, depending on whether it's the summer season, when the water is exposed to a greater number of pathogens and bacteria introduced mainly by the users of the facilities, or the winter season when the impact is less due to reduced usage. This does not mean that specific care, known as winterization, is not necessary during this period.
Servicia Solutions in Malaga has a team of experts who will ensure that your pool's water meets the necessary requirements for safe use. There are various services and care options, depending on the client's specific needs and desires, including:
Water analysis to ensure excellent water quality: We ensure that the pool water is of optimal quality to prevent health issues by keeping it free of pathogens.
pH regulation.
Chemical products.
Anti-scale treatment.
Fungicidal treatments.
Quality control.
Leaf and debris cleaning.
Wall and floor cleaning.
Coping stone cleaning.
Pump pre-filter cleaning.
Filter cleaning.
Pool basin cleaning.
Cover installation and/or removal.
Winterization preparation: We use products to prevent the growth of bacteria and algae, avoid the formation of limescale, and prevent water putrefaction.
We take care of both outdoor and indoor pools. Outdoor pools are exposed to various microorganisms, which can lead to algae and, importantly, fungal growth, dreaded by pool users. For this reason, it's essential to use an effective disinfection system. Currently, various manual or automated systems are available. The most efficient and cost-effective is chlorine, the most commonly used disinfectant in private pools. At Servicia Solutions, we apply both manual and automatic methods, depending on the expertise of our professionals and after consultation with the client.
This system has improved over time because, in addition to chlorination, chlorine tablets, available in both liquid and solid formats, contain bactericidal and flocculating agents that help maintain the pool in perfect condition. When using chlorine, it's crucial to monitor the pH levels, which should be maintained between 7.2 and 7.4. If the acidity level is higher, dropping below 7.2, swimmers will be the first to experience the consequences, such as skin and mucous membrane irritation. If the pH level goes above 7.6, chlorine loses its effectiveness, and the water is no longer disinfected.
At Servicia Solutions, in addition to chlorine, we use another highly effective disinfection system, which is bromine. While chlorine ensures water disinfection, preventing the formation of algae and limescale, its effectiveness is complete only within the pH range of 7 to 7.4 - our experts monitor these levels to ensure 100% effectiveness. Bromine, on the other hand, maintains more than 90% of its disinfectant effectiveness even when pH levels range between 7 and 8. Another advantage is that bromine is odorless and does not irritate mucous membranes or skin, making it a powerful algaecide.
An important point to consider is the water temperature. Bromine can maintain pool disinfection even at temperatures above 40°C, making it the best option for heated or indoor pools. However, it's also suitable for outdoor pools on the Costa del Sol, given the high temperatures during the summer months in the province of Malaga.
Over the years, different types of pools have appeared on the market, not only in terms of design but also regarding water type. Nowadays, we more frequently encounter pools that are not just freshwater (chlorine), but customers also request saltwater pools (salt chlorination). The latter has become more than just a trend due to its advantages, as maintenance is easier and less costly. Furthermore, the use of chemical products is reduced, leading to less skin exposure to irritants.
Users are increasingly opting for this option due to the apparent simplicity of water maintenance. While it requires fewer checks than chlorine pools, analysis remains crucial. It's essential to ensure that the salt chlorinators are in perfect condition, that the cell is clean, that there are no water leaks or air inlets, and that chlorine is produced (salt chlorination).
Any control and maintenance system or task requires a set of quality measures and guarantees. Whether it's a cleaning service, gardening, concierge, or pool maintenance, it's always best to entrust these tasks to certified professionals. At Servicia Solutions, we provide everything necessary for the maintenance of your facilities, entrusting your order to our team of specialists and maintaining continuous oversight from our company.